
Spend time away from campus to renew your faith, meet people, and enjoy time spent in prayer.


Fall Retreat 2021 (Check back for update)

Is a time to enjoy a weekend of student directed talks, share personal testimonies, new friendships, time in prayer, and the opportunity to share in small group discussions. Through their talks and testimonies, students share their experience of finding hope in Christ’s love and presence in their personal lives. We hope that all those who come to the retreat encountered moments for growth in character, faith and friendship. We look forward to seeing you!

Winter Retreat (Check back for date and time)

This retreat is geared towards leading students deeper in their faith and friendships with each other and with God. The talks are given by students, designed to help the individual prepare mentally, emotionally and spiritually for the Spring Semester. Winter Retreat provides students with the opportunity to grow even closer to God and others in a unique and powerful way, through prayer, reflection, inspiring talks, and time spent with fellow Marymount students.

Please contact Campus Ministry with any questions about retreats!