Data Resources

The university provides programs with access to many data resources on which to base discussions about program strengths and weaknesses and areas needing improvement. The links below provide access to a number of those resources. In addition, the Office of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness (PIE) proactively provides programs with a summary of key data on student enrollment, graduation, and alumni outcomes as well as student feedback on academic advising.

Program Review Standard Data Package

What’s in it?

  • Five years of Fall and Spring semester student enrollment in the major/program (based on census data): full-time, part-time, and second major/program
  • Five years of Fall and Spring semester data on sections offered, credit hour generation, and average course size
  • Five years of Fall and Spring semester data on full-time faculty headcount in the discipline, sections taught by full-time faculty in the discipline, sections taught by full-time faculty from other disciplines, and sections taught by adjuncts.
  • Five years of data on the number of degrees conferred each year (including Summer)
  • Five years of results from the annual Alumni Survey (years one and five post-graduation) on percentage of alumni respondents employed within six months, percentage employed in their field in any length of time, and the percentage who pursued additional education in any length of time.
  • Faculty roster, including names and full-time/part-time status, rank, tenure status, courses taught, academic degrees and coursework, and other qualifications
  • Responses to advising questions from the Graduating Student Survey from the previous five years (number of responses and mean response)

When will I receive it?

By September 15 of the year of the review.

What if I want additional data, or have a question about the data provided?

Contact PIE with requests for additional data or if you have questions or concerns about the data that PIE provided. All questions should be resolved by Dec. 15.

Other Data Resources

PIE maintains a library of individual program results for all Alumni and Graduating Student Survey results as well as prior student learning assessment and program review reports. Please contact if you need copies of those reports.

Student Enrollment, Retention, and Degrees

Graduate Job Placement/Post-Graduation Activities


Educational Experiences

Peer Comparison